08 / 06 / 2021 1043 Views
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We are pleased to announce that Triol Corporation is among the top 10 manufacturers of power electronics solutions, according to the respected American journal Manufacturing technology insights.

The journal manufacturers publish information about new technologies and products for manufacturing solutions. For convenience, this journal has a print version and is only sent to those who have a subscription.

In addition to the rating, this source has published a major article about our corporation, which describes our history, strengths, major products and developments.

For our part, we'd like to tell you about our developments.Triol Corporation is not only developing low and medium Variable Frequency Drive, but also trying its hand in creating robotics and software.

Triol Corporation has developed a walking anthropomorphic robot that can not only move on the surface, but also have a conversation with a person. This kind of robot can be applied in different spheres of human life from a home or office assistant to a warehouse logistician. Currently the tests are still underway, but we already have a stable positive result.

We have successfully tested a manipulator that resembles a human hand, and it is capable of performing tasks with high accuracy. Applications for such a manipulator include:

  • painting;
  • welding;
  • moving objects;
  • harness production;
  • working with machines and independent metalworking.

During the assembly of the manipulator, software is being developed with which the quality of robotics use will be achieved. The software is created with a view to the tasks that will be set by the business process.

In the field of software development, we also do not stand still and move forward. Our main focus is on the development of service software for our products (these are interfaces for HMI, an application for the quick configuration of the Variable Frequency Drive via Wi-Fi), and in addition, we have developed a unique program to protect access to your PC, website accounts and applications, and we called it Teasier.

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