18 / 01 / 2022 928 Views
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The 4th IWTM is one of the few technical summit events covering various critical aspects of water management and water treatment. It provides an ideal platform for professionals from various industries, academic and research institutions to meet and share problems and their solutions.

An efficient water management system is critical to the operation of any plant. Low water management may create significant difficulties for a plant, including loss of production capacity, increased costs for cleaning and protective chemicals, reduced operation of cooling towers, water quality, fouling, corrosion, microbiological activity, heat transfer efficiency and residual waste water disposal, increased energy costs and reduced service life.

During the Water Summit, Triol has demonstrated several solutions covering the mentioned Underwater Management System issues. These solutions encompass pre-inspection, production and commissioning.

To solve water management issues Triol Corporation offers low-voltage and medium voltage frequency drives specially developed to control water supply equipment. Triol drives combine small footprint equipment and high-efficiency devices.

The author’s algorithm and special modes help to operate the equipment in unstable mains with current sags. The pump system is continuously controlled by Triol drives when the current is sagging because of kinetic buffering mode is activated.

In addition, Triol drives allow smooth pump start-up which protects pipes from brakes and water hammer, as well as VFD, helps to extend service interval and decrease maintenance costs. Finally, overall system efficiency increased up to 30 % by using our variable frequency drives.

If you want to learn more about our solution please download the presentation.